Season 7 — Episode 4

Does AI Have a Copyright Problem?

Felix and Mihir discuss how copyright applies to AI-generated works. Are AI companies guilty of mass infringement? Could users be sued if they use AI to generate texts and images? Wouldn’t it be right to compensate authors for their contributions to AI models? Plus, a decade in, what has the corporate purpose movement accomplished? We look back and take a glimpse at the future.

Season 7 — Episode 2

The U.S. economy is stellar. So why are we all so mad?

In this episode, Mihir and Felix discuss consumer finances, which are remarkably healthy. The average U.S. household now has a net worth of more than a million dollars. But if things are this good, why are we so angry? Why lament the state of the economy? Plus, we talk about Tesla and the market for electric vehicles. Has it reached its nadir?

Season 6 — Episode 37

Summer Stories to Savor

Felix and Mihir are joined by friends to discuss their stories to watch this summer, including the bust up of Sequoia, pricing, Gen AI, sports stories, the FTC and PBMs, Amazon in healthcare, and the future of theatres, travel, unions, brand activism, energy tax credits, interest rates and the war in Ukraine.